Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First run in Newtons

My Newton's arrived today! And although it was a rest day I could resist taking them out for a spin. I read at their site to only do 10 minutes or so the first time and slowly build up over a little bit of time. The first 100 meters or so in them felt a little awkward - but I made a couple adjustments in my foot fall things were much better. I didn't look at my watch for most of this run as I was just concentrating on keeping things simple and easy. It wasn't until the first mile beeped did I realize that I was really moving. Since the first mile went so well I decided to do one more. Again - I didn't look at the Garmin and just went on feel. I did pick up the last 100 meters just to get a feel for them at faster speeds.

Newton's felt great on their first run, back to my Saucony's tomorrow for my run with Zak.

Total distance: 2 miles
Total time: 14:58
Average pace: 7:29
Best pace: 5:55


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wet wet wet 6

So still raining here in the North East - 4 inches alone today I saw in New Haven. Friends in Rhode Island are at 7+ inches. So hopefully everyone (and their basements) can hold out for the rest of the day - as the sun is supposed to be coming soon. Checking race day weather its going to be 70!!

I was going to rest again today - but when Leah called me to see if I wanted to go - I couldn't say no....could I? Broke out the new rain coat for todays run - and it worked great. Although it doesn't breathe great - it keeps me nice and dry. We did our "normal" six mile route up through East Rock Park and over to Whitney - to Saint Ronan back up Whitney to East Rock Rd then home. Felt pretty good through today's run - did feel a small twinge coming down a hill but it quickly passed. I can always count on Leah to push the pace and keep things moving along.

Total distance: 6 miles
Total time: 49:22
Average pace: 8:13


Monday, March 29, 2010

Rainy recovery four

Although today was supposed to be a rest day I was able to sneak out when the rain let up a bit. Goal today was to just take it easy and have a nice relaxing run.

Total distance: 4 miles
Total time: 34:41
Average pace: 8:40


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Quick recovery 4 before the rain starts

As the weather is going to be unpredictable over the next few days, instead of resting today I wanted to sneak in a couple miles today. At mile 3.5 I picked up the pace for a half mile and then a bigger kick for the last 1/10th of a mile.

Total distance: 4.5 miles
Total time: 36:12
Average pace: 8:02

4:00 (for last 1/2 mile with a kick around 6:20 for the last 1/10th mile)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Long run Saturday - 8 miles with MRR

Welcome back cold weather....I had to break out the compressions (ugh) for today's run. Even though it was cold - there was a good sized group for our group run today. First mile was slow - just couldn't seem to get going. The second mile things got better ... and continued on. I picked it up the last 1/2 mile to about a 6:55 pace - which I hope translates into a good final push next weeks race.

Total distance: 8 miles
Total time: 1:05:01
Average pace: 8:07


Friday, March 26, 2010

Thursday 5 and Friday 3

Thursday March 25

Today, I just headed out for an easy/recovery-ish run. I haven't run downtown in a bit, so today I did just that. I surprisingly got most lights in my favor -

Total distance: 5 miles
Total time: 41:19
Average pace: 8:15

Splits: 8:21/7:59/8:18/8:40/7:58

Friday March 26

Thanks to a meeting at work that went a little long, today's run got cut short. I decided to run today hard and stay close to home. I ran some loops in the neighborhood and was practicing holding a pace that I hope to maintain for the Hartford 1/4 Marathon.

Total distance: 3 miles
Total time: 22:26
Average pace: 7:28

Splits: 7:44/7:22/7:17

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Six miler with long hill....

I toyed with the idea today to go all the way up to the summit at East Rock park...however I'm in "taper" mode and don't want to do anything too stupid before my upcoming race. Also Zak (aka Spandex Kitty) might be down from RI and we may head up to the summit early next week. Given all that - I figured half the hill or so would be good. I tried to maintain as steady as a pace as I could heading up the hill which was extremely tiring. Since my next race is 6.55 miles and I'm hoping to kick it up a notch for the last .55 of it, I practiced a picked up pace for the last 1/2 mile of today's run. And as usual in the early spring - I overdressed for today's run. Must remember 40 is warm!

Total distance: 6 miles
Total time: 48:34
Average pace: 8:05


And tonight when cleaning up after dinner, I got the email I've been waiting for...MY NEW SHOES HAVE SHIPPED! Once they get here I'll share some pics...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Recovery Run

With the Greater Hartford 1/4 Marathon coming up, the next two weeks will be cut back (mini taper) weeks. So today was just a nice recovery run (in the rain). Only thing I did besides the recovery was a last .1 mile kick..,

Total distance: 4.1 miles
Total time: 34:48
Average pace: 8:28

0:40 (for .11 miles @ 6:23 pace)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Easy 6+ with 1/4 mile pickups x5

After a restless rest day yesterday, I was happy to get back to running today. I have found the first run back after any time off - one day, two days, a week - are never good. So I was happy to make today an easy run.

I went a bit earlier today for my run to hopefully beat the rain. I put on the new rain coat - which I ended not needing. I headed out on the six mile route that Leah showed me. Once I got going things felt pretty good - I tried to maintain an even pace as much as a I could (even up over the East Rock Park hill). During the fourth mile I decided I felt good enough to try to do some pickups. I started doing a 1/4 mile picups with 1/4 mile recoveries. I was able to hold the pickups at 5k to faster than 5k effort/pace. Each felt pretty good - I was happy to be able to wake up the speed muscles on a dreary Monday.

Total distance 6.5 miles
Total time: 54:08
Average pace: 8:19

3:57 (for .50 miles @ 7:55 pace)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Long run Saturday (Charles Island)

what a difference a week makes with weather in March. Last week it was in the low 40s, 30mph winds and rain - today around 60+ by the end of the run and sunny. A group of us headed out from the normal place at the normal time.

Dan and I got out in front of the pack and were motorinig along right from the start. Right around mile 3.5 or so, Dan asked if I have ever run out to Charles Island (which I hadnt). So we took a little detour from our normal route and headed out to the island. This is where (if you look at the splits) our pace took dive. The footing was either ankle twisting rocks, or very soft shells that moved under your feet. There was a spot in the middle that I had to walk as there seemed to be more water than rocks to step on. Once to the other side I touched the sign on the island and was now "part of the club". On the way back it was slow going again - and in the middle part it seemed the tide was starting to come in as there was alot fewer rocks to step on to get back. I had to put my food into Long Island sound at one point as there was a void of rocks. Once back to the other side, I was so happy to be back on pavement (and also happy to not have twisted an ankle). I've never worked so hard to run a 11:39 mile before...

Since we took that detour, we decided to do the "8 mile route". We got our pace back on track fairly quickly. During mile 9 we kicked the pace to a 5k pace for the full mile. I was able to do a 6:47 9th mile which I was extremely happy about. Once back at the library I added a little more distance to make the days run an even 10 miles - which gives me an even 40 miles for the week. A great run in great spring time weather. Soon I will need to start thinking about bringing water/gatorade with me on runs - but for now I will just enjoy these awesome spring days.

Oh and the Injinji socks held up great today on a long run, and even dried out pretty quick after I put my foot in Long Island Sound.

Total mileage: 10 miles
Total time: 1:24:39
Average pace: 8:27


Friday, March 19, 2010

Easy recovery 5

With tomorrow being long run day - I had to go easy today. Nothing spectacular (besides the weather) about today's run. I did do my last 1/10th of a mile kick at the end again - around 6:20 or so. Hoping to go ten tomorrow on the long run....

Total mileage: 5 miles
Total time: 41:59
Average pace: 8:23


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Easy 6

Another great weather day here in New Haven. Today was supposed to be an easy 6 miler - but as usual it turned into a low-mid 8's run. I'm not sure if this means on my hard days I'm not running hard enough - or if I'm not going easy enough on the easy days. I bet its a mix of both both more not going on easy days. Oh well - Ill try not to overthink it all and just enjoy the weather. As soon as my watch beeped at the 6th mile I took off for a .1 mile kick. My last few races there was no kick - so I'm going to start working on that a bit heading into the Greater Hartford Quarter Marathon.

Total Distance: 6.1 miles
Total Time: 50:15
Average Pace: 8:14

:37 (for .1 miles @ 6:16 pace)

Review: Headsweats Go Hat

Along with my Injinji socks, I also ordered myself a new Headsweats hat. My previous one is getting old and nasty. I wasnt a big fan of my previous hat as it didnt allow my head to breathe and it got really hot under it. And being someone who sweats by the bucket loads, it was always gross. I figured with a name like Headsweats how could I go wrong.

Now usually during runs with my old hat I have to take it off and carry it (see above as to reason). The Headsweats hat stayed on my head for my entire run today (6 miles in 65 degree sun). When I was done with my run, it actually felt as though my head was cooler. This hat is very low weight, less that 2oz (from Headsweats website) and again kept my head from over heating. Also I noticed that the sweat wasn't pouring down my face or into my eyes as it usually does, which I can only guess is the sweatband that goes around the interior of the hat. Awesome hat, highly reccomend.

Review: Injinji Running Socks

When I'm not running, I hate socks and am usually barefoot. However I'm a running sock junkie. I have so many pairs of running socks its crazy. So after reading Peter L's review of his Injinji socks at his blog, I had to order a pair and give them a try.

I ordered a pair of the peformance socks from Running Warehouse and as soon as they came today I broke them out of the box and put them on. Getting each toe tucked into the right slot was a little tricky - kind of like trying to put gloves on a fidgety kid. Once they were on it did feel strange. Having each toe wrapped in its own personal sock was odd. Once I put my running shoes on, things felt more normal.

During the run, they were really great. At first it was all I thought about, but as I settled into the run I barely noticed them. When I thought about my toes during the run, I did notice that they weren't rubbing together as usual. Although today's run was only six miles they performed wonderfully. I can't wait to take them out for a long run.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mid Week Long Recovery Run

With today's weather being so great, it was a perfect day to do a mid week long run. I went on a route I hadn't run since January - much better today since the sidewalks weren't covered with ice and snow. I did my warmup mile around my neighborhod before heading out into East Rock Park, into Hamden. The pace was pushed a little for a recovery run, but not a hard run.

Total mileage: 8.5 miles
Total time: 1:10:40
Average pace: 8:19

3:55 (for 1/2 mile @ 7:53 pace)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tempo Tuesday - (3 miles @ tempo pace)

It being Tuesday today - means TEMPO TUESDAY. (if interested in what a tempo run is - and have good articles on the subject). After last weeks two mile tempo run I had some things to focus on for this weeks tempo run. Based on my 5k time McMillan calls for tempo runs at 7:06-7:25. Last week my times for my two miles were 7:38 and 7:03 - a little slow followed by a little fast. In adding an extra mile to this weeks tempo run, I needed to make sure I didn't do a "too fast" mile this time.

I decided with three miles at tempo to do two miles of warm up. Overall my splits for the tempo miles were 7:08/7:15/7:14. I was very happy with today's run and felt pretty good afterwards. Look forward to attempting to add another mile for next week's run.

Total mileage: 6 miles
Total time: 48:12
Average pace: 8:01

8:51 (warm up)
8:53 (warm up)
7:08 (tempo mile 1)
7:15 (tempo mile 2)
7:14 (tempo mile 3)
8:50 (cool down)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Windy Recovery 4+ miles

Total Mileage: 4.4 miles
Total Time: 36:47
Average Pace: 8:21

2:53 (for .4 miles @ 7:14 pace)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Long, rainy, windy run

So the rain that never came yesterday came today and then some. I wasn't sure if anyone was going to show for the group run as it was 40 degrees, raining with heavy winds. I was glad to see six or so others show. Dan and I quickly got out ahead and really never looked back. Winds and rains the entire time (reminded me of Eastern States last year). The headwinds on the way back at times made it really hard to maintain a good pace/effort. Dan set a really good pace the whole way which felt pushed a bit but not a crazy hard effort.

Total mileage: 10.26 miles
Total Time: 1:21:45
Average Pace: 7:57

1:59 (for .26 miles @ 7:35 pace)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Recovery Seven

"Just" a recovery run today with Leah. We headed out a bit early to try and beat the rain (that never came today).

Total Mileage: 7 miles
Total Time: 59:23
Average Pace: 8:29


Thursday, March 11, 2010

10x1 minute on with 1 minute "off" recovery

Today I decided to do a little bit of speed work. The last time I ran this workout I really liked it - so back to the 10x1 minute "on" with a 1 minute "off" recovery. I did a nice long (for me) 15 minute warm up. Then I was usual with me and intervals the first five were good, six through eight felt miserable and then I was zoning out on nine and ten. Each "on" segment was about 10-15 seconds faster than 5k PR time - about 6:30-6:35 each "on". Overall I felt pretty good throughout today's run, but today being day #12 in a row I'm starting to feel it (a new record for me).

Total Mileage: 5 miles
Total Time: 42:16
Average Pace: 8:27

Splits (Avg. Speed / Max Speed / Number of "on" segments)
9:02 / 8:00 / 0
8:29 / 6:01 / 2
7:45 / 5:45 / 3
8:01 / 5:49 / 4
8:58 / 5:48 / 1

I'm hoping to get my long run in on Saturday (and keep the streak alive) but the weather is supposed to be nasty - 80% chance of rain with 30mph+ winds. Maybe I'll just sleep in.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A blah 6

Not going to write much about was blah.

Total Mileage: 6 miles
Total Time: 51:36
Average Pace: 8:36


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The return of Tempo Tuesday

I didnt go out today with the plan of a tempo run....but thats what today turned into. Since I'm still only a couple days removed from race day - it was a short 2 mile tempo, but now I can start to expand the distance over the next few weeks in the lead up to the Greater Hartford Quarter Marathon.

Total Distance: 4 miles
Total Time: 31:14
Average Pace: 7:48

8:06 (warm up)
7:38 (1st tempo mile - a little slow)
7:03 (2nd tempo mile - a little fast)
8:26 (cool down)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hilly recovery run

I know for each mile one races you are supposed to take a day off - or if you must run make them easy runs. I had every intention of doing that until I stepped outside today and felt the warm pre-spring air. The East Rock Park Summit called to me - so I worked my way up it. I did a nice warmup before even attempting the hill, and I told myself to just maintain a nice easy pace. Today's run wasn't easy - but it wasn't hard either. I felt no twinges or pulls from the WPLR 5k, which was great. However, the 8:30 (or so) pace I was going felt more like 8 even. I did go a little longer than I had planned (like I really plan anything though) but I am glad I went out. Spring is almost here for good.

Total Distance: 6.5 miles
Total Time: 55:33
Average Pace: 8:32

4:09 (for 1/2 mile @8:20 pace)

Oh....and the view from the top of the summit- awesome as always.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

WPLR 99.1 Shamrock and Roll Race Report

Today was the WPLR 99.1 Shamrock and Roll 5k in New Haven. Justin and Drew came down from Rhode Island to race with me and Shawn came for support (since he isn't allowed to run anymore).

After a nice warm up we wished each other luck and headed to the start to lineup. I headed towards the front but that didn't seem to help as when the gun went off there were a ton of people to pass and avoid. Since I'm super familiar with this course, and since 5ks are run so hard there isn't much to write about. I just got in a zone and took off. As with the previous 5k, I had no real kick at the very end (something to work on for future races). Total time for today was 21:47 with splits of 7:12, 7:02, 6:38. No PR today - but I'll take it considering I ran 45+ miles since past Sunday. Race #1 of the CT USATF series one up in the series is Greater Hartford Quarter Marathon on April 3rd in West Hartford.

Race Times:
Me - 21:42
Justin - 23:58
Drew - 24:59
Leah - 20:43
Matt - 17:55
Dan - 21:05
Debby - 24:50
Dawn - 26:09
Betsey - 29:03

Fun times today - celebrated with some adult beverages and a burger.

Pictures -->

13th Annual WPLR ShamRock & Roll - Race Results

Place: 174
Place in Division: 14
Bib #: 134
Division: M3034
Clock Time: 21:47
Chip Time: 21:42
Pace: 7:01

Official Results

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Easy Saturday Run

Since tomorrow is the WPLR 5k, I needed to take it easy today. I decided not to do the eight mile course with the Milford Road Runner group today - and "only" stick to the six mile loop. As much as I wanted to go fast - I behaved myself and took it easy. I did start to speed up a bit at the end. Great easy run on a beautiful morning.

Total Mileage: 6.4 miles
Total Time: 55:34
Average Pace: 8:40

3:00 (for .41 miles @7:23 pace)

I should be in good shape for tomorrow and the weather is supposed to be great.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Easy 7 with the Doctor again

Another great day for running here in Connecticut. Headed out with Leah today and she showed me her "normal" 6 mile loop. We added some trying to hunt down some more of the new route for the WPLR 5k on Sunday - which also added a few more hills then expected. Felt a little tired mid way through but right around the 5th mile I felt much better. Today is the fifth day in a row and in those five days I've done 36+ miles. No rest planned until sometime after the race on Sunday.

I look forward to racing on Sunday - especially with Drew and Justin coming down to run. Haven't run with them since mid December. Im already thinking about post race food - pizza or burgers or both!

Total Mileage: 7 miles
Total Time: 58:55
Average pace: 8:25


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Recovery 4

Nothing too fancy - just wanted to get a nice recovery run in after the long run on Tuesday (and before what is going to probably be another intense run on Thursday).

Total Mileage: 4 miles
Total Time: 32:34
Average Pace: 8:08


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Morning run with Doc Leah

Today I went for a morning run (thanks to an understanding and flexible boss) with Leah. We met up around 9:30 and then headed out towards downtown. We kind of made up the route as we went - we did plan to run the WPLR 5k course at some point during the run. It was great having a mid-week run with someone - the miles seem to peel away. Supposed to snow tonight, hopefully the roads won't be too much of a mess for tomorrow's run.

Total Distance: 8.25 miles
Total time: 1:07:22
Average Pace: 8:10

2:00 (for .25 miles @8:02 pace)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Quick 6

I was hoping to do just do an easy recovery today - but with today's weather being so great and the next couple days looking like more rain - I had to take advantage of the day. With yesterday being the long day (with hills), I didn't have high hopes for anything fast - just wanted to get at least 6 miles in.

I started out by running downtown - with the 20-30mph winds and the buildings downtown, it seemed like the wind was always in my face. When the first mile beeped on my Garmin and it said 8:00 for the first mile I was excited that today would be a nice fast run - also nervous that I went out too fast and would have to slow down. Funny the mental game one has to play to keep going. Ran past the Grove Street Cemetary, then around past the Yale bookstore before I headed back up Whitney. I didn't feel like I was going as fast as I was but amazingly enough the 2nd and 3rd AND 5th mile were all under 8.

The turn around point of today was the intersection of Whitney and Davis St (about 4.75 miles in). Watch beeped the 5th mile and STILL under 8. At this point I debated doing a cool down or trying to push the final mile - of course I went with push. I cut onto East Rock Rd and then down Livingston watch beeped 6 miles and I decided to stop there and take a nice relaxing walk/jog back home which was close.

Great run today with some great weather for running (would have been fantastic without the wind). Even with the rain in the forecast tomorrow I hope to be able to get a few miles in - we'll see.

Total Mileage: 6 miles
Total Time: 46:52
Average Pace: 7:48
