Thursday, February 26, 2009

Run schedule for the next few weeks

Tuesday - Tempo Run
Wednesday - Easy Run (1/2 distance of weeks long run)
Thursday - Speed work (track or hill repeats)
Saturday - Long run
Sunday - Short easy run

I've plugged some numbers into McMillan Calculator and this is what it comes up with for me.

Tempo Runs --> 7:50 to 8:10
Long Runs --> 9:07 to 10:07
400s --> 1:41.6 to 1:47.5
800s --> 3:32.4 to 3:42.2
1600s --> 7:24.5 to 7:40.9

Six mile run Anthony

Anthony and I went for a run today on the bike path. Overall a good run no pain (during run).

Total Distance: 6 miles
Total Time: 53:35
Total Average: 8:55


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Midweek run on bike path

Today Andrew, Justin, Anthony and I headed out to the bike path for our midweek run. Since I have a 16 miler planned for my long run on Saturday, today's plan was to go eight miles. My right achilles has been sore (and painful to touch) these last few weeks - in talking with an old friend of mine who is a PT, he gave me some tips. One was to stretch (which I never did before). So with two runs since Hyannis and two stretching sessions pre and post runs - my achilles has been better. Im sure the 800mg of ibuprofen has helped too.

I felt really good during today's run even during the 5.2 miles I did on my own. I was a little worried that when they turned around at the three mile mark that my pace would suffer - but it didn't.

Total Distance: 8.2 miles
Total Time: 1:10:38
Total Average: 8:36

Mile 1 - 8:54
Mile 2 - 8:36
Mile 3 - 9:22
Mile 4.1 - 9:14 (8:23 pace)
Mile 5.2 - 9:00 (8:10 pace)
Mile 6.2 - 8:42
Mile 7.2 - 8:34
Mile 8.2 - 8:13

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First run since Hyannis

Today was my first run since running the Hyannis Half Marathon on Sunday. My legs were a little tired but no major issues. The ankle seems to be holding up ok - but I will ice it tonight just to be safe. Drew, Justin, Shawn, Anthony, Tim and I (big group today) headed out towards 100 Acres Hill. I hung back with Shawn as he was going at a pace that I liked. After he turned around, I picked up the pace to catch up with everyone else (they were about a 1/4 mile in front of me). I finally caught up to Tim and Justin on the return trip at the bottom of the hill. Anthony and Andrew were running up ahead of us. Once I got back to work I ran past the building for a bit longer.

Total Distance: 5.4 miles
Total Time: 47:28
Total Average: 8:47

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hyannis Half Marathon Race Report

Drew, Justin, Shawn and I met at Walmart in Seekonk at 8:15am errr I mean 6:30am. Had a nice relaxing drive over to Hyannis - and no traffic either. We picked up our race pack and shirts with no problems then headed over to the hotel room my sister had at the resort to relax/strech/get changed. Laura having a hotel room allowed us to relax and stay comfy right up until race time. Thanks Laura! We all got ready and headed out to acclimate to the cooler temps outside. Temperature was chilly but not cold and the rain was supposed to hold off until after noon.

Justin, Drew and I set ourselves up at the back of the 8 minute groups, while Shawn and Laura headed back to the 10 minute group. The start was slow (as usual). The gun went off and there was that intial surge then the stop, then the walk, then the run, then the stop again. When we hit the starting mat we were basically at a brisk jog. Drew and I were able to get off to the side and pass quite a few people. I turned after about a tenth of a mile in to find Justin and I did - and that was the last I saw of him.

Drew and I ran the first mile together at a 8:34 pace which was a bit faster than I wanted for the first mile - but whatever. We did alot of passing in the first mile, which included hopping up on sidewalks (which I hate doing). Second mile (still with drew) was at a brish 8:02 pace. Somewhere in the third mile drew seperated himself from me and was just a bit ahead of me. Third mile was 8:08(ish) - I mis-clicked my split on my watch on this one so this is an estimate. Then the "screaming lady mile" aka mile 4. Lady had her headphones on and insisted on talking to the guy next to her the entire time - she had no idea how loud she was. I heard her from over a quarter mile away. Not sure what she was talking about - but I was able to block most out and hit an 8:16 4th mile. I never saw Drew again somewhere in the 4th or 5th mile. Then I was on my own. And per usual - around mile 7 or so I lost track of where I was in the race and had to ask another runner. Something about miles 7,8,9 I drift (or too focused) and lose track of where I am - and my brain is too mushy to figure it out by doing some basic math. Right at mile 9 or so, I regained my focus again. I found a nice pocket of runners (me and 2 others) that were at about the same pace. once I hit mile 10 I just told myself "only" a 5k left. I tried to do some quick math and realized that I was not gonna PR this one. That realization was kind of deflating. I know you cant PR every race - but I like to be in the hunt at each race. Right before the end - Shawn and Drew (having finished the 10k already) were standing on the side cheering me on. I was able to kick it hard from that point and finish really strong (thanks again guys). After I passed through I looked down at my watch and was thought I was short of my PR. I de-chipped my shoe, got my medal and then headed down to cheer on Justin.

Justin came down the road a little while later looking good. It started to drizzle and I started to get cold and a little crampy - so I headed back to the hotel room. I didnt get to see my sister finish (sorry sis).

Once the results were posted on CoolRunning- I realized I had PR'd the race by 4 seconds. And those 4 seconds can only be attributed to my strong finish - which was soley cause of Shawn and Drew and the support they threw my way at the end. Although it was only 4 seconds faster than Manchester, my splits (below) were much more consistent which was one of my overall goals for my training races.

We all got cleaned up and headed back to RI - with a stop for lunch at 3:00 where I ate a burger, fries, the rest of Laura's burger and Justin's left over fries. Then an early dinner at 6ish that consisted of 3 slices of pizza and chips.

Great race, great trip and I look forward to running it again next year.

1:00 (last bit)

Hyannis Half Marathon Official Results

Place: 623/2044
Div/Tot: 149/255
Div: M3039
Nettime: 1:48:55
Pace: 8:19
Guntime: 1:50:32
Ag: 32
S: M
Race#: 1816
Hometown : Pawtucket

Justin - 2:02:01 Half Marathon
Laura - 2:27:34 Half Marathon
Andrew - 50:50 10k
Shawn - 1:01:20 10K

Official Results

Friday, February 20, 2009

Taper run (for Hyannis) part 3

Total Distance: 3 miles
Total Time: 27:24
Total Average: 9:08

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Taper run (for Hyannis) part 2

Total Distance: 4.67 miles
Total Time: 43.14
Total Average: 9:15

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Taper run (for Hyannis) part 1

100 Acres Pond Road with Drew and Chiu today. No problems with the blister or anything.

Total Distance: 4.4 miles
Total Time: 41:02
Total Average: 9:19

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Long run in Cranston

Today Justin, Drew and I went for our long run on the Cranston Bike path. I meant to re-tie my shoes when I got to Justin's house but forgot. Didn't realize it until right before the second mile - then I stopped to re-tie. At the turn around (mile 7) we stopped to stretch. I felt fine until about mile 13. My foot started to feel "weird" and I got hit with a stomach cramp. So instead of pushing it I cut it at 14 miles. I was a little disappointed that I didn't get the full 18 I planned in...

Total Distance: 14 miles
Total Time: 2:12:00
Total Average: 9:25

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Easy run to Brown

Today I went for an easy run to Brown. I took it easy as tomorrow is another 18 mile long run. When I got to Thayer St, I was able to kick it from the Brown Bookstore to Blue State Coffee.

Total Distance: 5.25 miles
Total Time: 49:00
Total Average: 9:20

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Quick windy Thursday run

Drew, Anthony and I went out today for the 100 Acres route. Nothing to exciting on this run (besides some new Chinese phrases from Anthony).

Total Distance: 4.4 miles
Total Time: 41:00
Total Average: 9:19

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Midweek Medium Run

Today we went for our mid-week medium distance run (1/2 the distance of the weekend planned long run). We went out the old Barbers Pond route, and kept heading up Rte 2 until the Mobil Station. When we got back we did a lap of the building to make sure we hit our distance mark.

Total Distance: 9.35 miles
Total Time: 1:21:19
Total Average: 8:41

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday run

Today Justin, Anthony and I went our for our run and decided to try out the bike path. The first mile over was okay, but then there were a couple of nasty ice patches. When we got to Ministerial Rd we decided to head up that and get away from the ice. We then turned left on 138, right on Waites Corner, back over the bridge. At the light of 138 and Fairgrounds we ran into Shawn who was just starting. I hung back with him.

Total Distance: 8.15 miles
Total Time: 1:16:00
Total Average: 9:19

Sunday, February 8, 2009

18 mile Long Run on the East Side

Today Justin, Anthony and I went for our long run on the East Side. We met at Hope High School to start. The loop we did was 4.5 miles. This route had a good amount of hills. Midway through the first lap and most of the second lap I was fighting off the mother of all heartburn. Justin handed me a couple pretzels which seemed to help. Anthony did two laps as his knee was starting to bother him. Justin ran out of pretzels in the third lap so we took a minute stop at the cars so he could reload - and I could well pee. The last lap was tough - but I was able to get through it and even give a pretty good kick for the last half mile or so.

Total Distance: 18 miles
Total Time: 2:51:00
Total Average: 9:30

Total weekly mileage - 43.9 miles

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Quick cold 4 miler

Today I ran to Slater park and back for a nice (cold) four mile run. Im looking forward to tomorrows long run near Brown.

Total Mileage: 4 miles
Total Time: 35:15
Total Average: 8:48

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Another 6+ mile run with 100 acre hills

Total Distance: 6.5 miles
Total Time: 1:01:18
Total Average: 9:25

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

(Insert cool name for run here) Run

Total Distance: 6.15 miles
Total Time: 53:56.24
Total Average: 8:46

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Snowy three miler

Today Anthony and I decided to go for a quick run right in the middle of our snow storm. Windy, snowy (maybe even ice falling not sure) was great. Ill take today's weather anytime over the crappy summertime runs. First mile was 8:40, second was a bit slower, but we picked it up fast for the 3rd mile.

Total Distance: 3 miles
Total Time: 24:42
Total Average: 8:14

1st 8:40
2nd 8:55
3rd 7:07

Monday, February 2, 2009

Warm weather run today

Today's weather was GREAT! Even though it was a scheduled rest day I couldn't resist going out for a run. Andrew, Anthony, Justin and I went out on our new route.

Total Distance: 6.25 miles
Total Time: 54:07
Total Average: 8:39