Sunday, August 16, 2009

100on100 – Heart of Vermont Relay Race Report

100on100 – Heart of Vermont Relay Race Report

This weekend was the 100on100 Vermont relay and also my two years to the day from when I started running. It starts at the Von Trapp Lodge in northern VT and ends at the Okemo Mountain Resort. I joined my sister’s team “Misery Loves Company” and was given the second leg for this years relay.

Runner 1: Laura C
Runner 2: Me
Runner 3: Tom C
Runner 4: Tami V
Runner 5: Paul S
Runner 6: Laura S

I drove up to Vermont on Friday and about 20 minutes into passing into Vermont I hit something in the road which flattened my tire. What a great way to start the weekend. I couldn’t change the tire as I would have to had lay in the middle of a lane on Interstate 89 – so I had to wait for AAA. I got to my sisters house around 2:30, we quickly hit the grocery store to pick up some last minute supplies. We met up with the rest of the team at the park-n-ride in Richmond and then headed over for a team dinner. Mmmm Pizza. We then went up to the Von Trapp Lodge to pick up our race packets. We were team #22 – which is my favorite number- so I took that as a sign the weekend was going to be great. After that we all headed home. Laura, Tom and I packed our stuff into the van in the very organized drawer system that they have perfected over the years. Each runner has a plastic drawer they store their stuff (gels, bars, extra clothes) in. Then off to bed. I surprisingly slept very well.

Alarm went off at 4am and I was ready to go. We packed up the van with some last minute things and we were off to pick up Paul at his house – and the rest of the team at the park-n-ride. Arrived at the start around 6am – which gave all of us plenty of time to do …well things runners like to do before heading out for a run…lets just leave it at that. Laura went over to the start around 6:35am and was given some last minute instructions. Then they were off. I walked over to the first transition area and awaited Laura’s return from the cross country trail she had to start. I was getting very nervous.

Leg 1 - Foggy downhill
Laura came out of the woods looking strong. As she got closer I started to get more and more nervous. She handed off the slap bracelet and I was off. Right from the start the road just dropped and went down and down and down. It was an unpaved, very rocky road. It was still very foggy out which made the forest seem very peaceful – yet kind of spooky. I was able to catch one runner coming down the hill before the first mile. I peaked at 5:57 coming down the hill and was able to avoid all the rocks and not fall flat on my face. Even though it was great to start on a downhill – I was happy (as were my knees and ankles) when the road flattened out. Over the next 2 miles I picked off two more runners. The support vehicle was around mile 2.5 or so and I tossed them my hat as it was already getting warm and humid. Around mile 3 I had to shed my shirt. Up the hill I was able to catch one more runner. The mile and a half long hill was tough to maintain a good pace over but I pushed as I knew there would be a nice downhill soon. I saw the transition ahead sign and was able to kick it and finish the first leg strong. Slap bracelet was slapped off to Tom and off he went.

Total Distance: 6.4 miles
Total Time: 49:22
Average Pace: 7:42

Leg 2 - Long leg
In between legs I stayed loose by stretching and hopping in and out of the van to support the other runners. The temperatures started to raise very quickly as it got closer to noon. This transition from Laura to me is a bit of a blur. This leg was definitely a pretty one. It was Very “Vermont looking”. The pavement was getting really hot and starting to cook my feet a little. I decided to run this leg at 99% effort as I figured no matter what I did on this the 3rd leg would be rough. I was able to knock out an 8:15 first mile which was right on pace. Same with the second mile – 8:15. Third mile was the same – and that was with a quick water break with the help of my team in the support vehicle. Around the 3.25 mile mark a runner from a fast team came flying by me. I gave chase for a moment to see if I could figure his pace. I got to a 6:19 pace and he kept separating himself from me. I backed off – and felt another runner coming up behind me from one of the faster teams. The shoulder was narrowing so I stopped and moved out of his way to give him room to pass. As I did this my team drove by – so I gave them a little dance as I waited for the runner to pass. The pavement was really hot at this point and my feet were cooking. The last few miles also seemed to just melt away. I was able to finish strong, but I was happy to see Tom waiting at the transition area to hand over the slap bracelet.

Total Distance: 7.1 miles
Total Time: 57:33
Average Pace: 8:06

Leg 3 – Killington!

As we drove to meet Laura on her leg I started to get nervous as the hills we were driving on were already getting big. I tried to keep loose as best I could. I wasn’t eating much at this point but I kept hydrating and my fluid “output” was still frequent and a decent color. Laura came down her final hill into the transition area looking strong. Slap bracelet on – and off I went. Right from the start it went up – however it was rather gradual and not too much to complain about. My pace had definitely slowed but I still felt good. Around a mile and a half in there was a very nice and gradual decline where I was able to really get some good speed going and “wake up” a bit from the race haze that was starting to set in a bit. The support vehicle was around mile 2 for me which was great just for the moral support. Then the hill/mountain really started going up, and up, and up. I got passed by a couple of the fast teams during this stretch and was able to pass a couple people as well. Passing the last guy gave me a boost – as he passed me earlier in the leg. As the pain really started to set in (around 3.75 miles in) – my mood started to darken and I started to swear at myself. (which believe me is normal for me late in races) I tried to envision Drew and Justin running with me which seemed to help a lot (with pace and mood). Again – the transition area ahead sign popped up on me like an oasis and the mood and pace improved. I ran hard into the Ramshead Lodge parking lot and navigated around the rocky parking lot, found Tom and his bright yellow shirt. Slap bracelet transferred to Tom for the last time and he was off.

Total Distance: 4.5 miles
Total Time: 41:38
Average Pace: 9:15

Last 100 meters
We waited about 100 meters from the finish line for Laura S to arrive. As she came down the lttle hill to us we all joined her to run the last 100 meters and finish as a team.

In between legs there was a lot to do. Due to the heat we were keeping a very close eye on our runners (and sometimes other teams) to make sure they got enough fluids and ice to keep cool. We tried to meet up with our runners every two to three miles when there was a safe place to wait and if we weren’t too close to the transition area (had to leave enough time for the next runner to be prepared). After Killington hills I also got to run a bit more when I ran down to get Tom his water as he looked as if he was having issues. I ran down to get it to him and ran with him up to get myself back to the support vehicle. As the sun went down and the head lamps came out it did get a bit eerie. Laura S. did run right past us while we were waiting to give her water. I went out to find something that Paul had dropped as he ran to catch her to get her water – and it was very dark (even with a headlamp) and very very quiet. I’m not sure I would have been able to run that leg.

Overall this was a very fun race. It was great to run as part of a team. Helping each other along, getting water for people, making sure everyone was doing well and enjoying themselves is what running should be all about. I look forward to running it again next year.

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