Tuesday, August 4, 2009

800s at URI - w/barefoot cool down

Once again - a hot day in New England - mid 80s at lunch plus humidity. Since it was so hot we decided to drive over instead of run, which ended up being very wise. The plan was to try for five 800s at 5k pace. I was able to rock out four - during the fourth the heat started to win the battle so I called it there. After the 4th recovery we took a quick break to hydrate - then do our cool down. We did .75 mile cool down barefoot on the grass around the track. Barefoot definitely felt odd but it was nice to get my feet out of the hot running shoes.

Warm up - 1 mile @ 9:52s
800 - 3:24 / 400 - 2:52
800 - 3:23 / 400 - 3:17
800 - 3:27 / 400 - 2:54
800 - 3:29 / 400 - 3:34
Cool down - .75 @ 10:20s (barefoot)

Overall I was happy to get my 800s to be at (actually a bit faster) than 5k pace especially in this heat. I would have liked to have done two more - but oh well - there is always next time.

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