Monday, November 9, 2009

6x100m hill repeats on 100 Acres Hill

Today we headed back to 100 Acres hill for some 100 meter hill repeats. Plan was to do 6 repeats at pace that felt like 5k. After the warmup to the bottom of the hill Anthony and I started our repeats. First 3 weren't too bad and was able to get in the mid-low 7s for the ups. The fourth and fifth got tougher but was able to maintain the pace. I felt the sixth repeat in my lungs, so the idea we had to do a couple more was scrapped. We walked a little of the recoveries - and had a nice and easy return trip to work. I was pretty tired for the last 1/2 mile or so - but I think that had to do with Alec's nightmare that woke me up in the middle of the night.

9:12/5:29 (had two ups of the hill and one recovery)
9:32/5:47 (had four ups of the hill and five recovery)

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