Saturday, July 17, 2010

First marathon training run....8 mi w/4 mi at half marathon pace

Today was day 1 of marathon training....the training plan called for a eight mile run with four miles at half marathon pace. Since we were in New Hampshire for a week on vacation, finding time to run became not a problem. But finding a course with no hills was the issue - as there was no way to run without hitting a hill or two (or three).

After a two mile warm up I was off for my four miles. It was hard to keep the pace up as th hills seemed to roll and roll and roll. Overall, great first run in the training cycle.

Total distance: 8 miles
Total time: 1:04:35
Average pace: 8:04
Average HR: 168 bpm
Max HR: 179 bpm

8:27 / 154
8:34 / 162
7:39 / 168
7:49 / 173
7:36 / 167
7:37 / 175
8:29 / 171
8:22 / 172

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