Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mid week longish - 1/2 naked run

Up and out early again -as the temperatures with the head index are supposed to get into the triple digits again. Since I still have a week or so before I start marathon training (agh!) I really dont have any plans for these runs. I just make it up once I get going. I knew today I wanted to go longish and that was about it.

I stepped outside at 5:45am and it was already 80 out - and my legs were still fairly tired from last night's bike ride at the gym. I went 1/2 naked today (Ill leave that up to your imagination which 1/2 - but I did have my Garmin on). I decided to head up into Hamden going over East Rock. I was able to get back before it got much hotter and was able to take advantage of the sun being low in the sky and hung out in whatever shade I could find.

After I go through the hilly parts - I picked up the pace to finish at goal marathon pace (8:24). By the end of the run - it almost became a 3/4 naked run as my extremely sweaty shorts starts to slip. I decided to tie em - no reason to ruin the morning commuters day.

Total Distance: 7.5 miles
Total time: 1:04:35
Average pace: 8:36

9:09 - warm up
8:44, 8:44, 8:42 - hilly
8:28, 8:21, 8:04 - marathon pace
4:20 (for 1/2 mile @ 8:40 pace) - cool down

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