Monday, February 15, 2010

Early morning 4 mile recovery/easy run

Today, and the rest of this week, I had to get out early for my run as my son has the week off of school - and I need to be back so my wife can go to work. Ive never been a good before 8am runner - but in order to get my mileage in this week - there is no choice. I noticed it took a bit longer to warm/loosen up than normal. Weather was behaving this morning which was great - I was actually overdressed. Im hoping the weather holds off enough for me tomorrow so I can get my speed or hill workout done (not sure which to do yet).

Total Mileage: 4 miles
Total time: 34:13
Average Pace: 8:33


I finished the two hundred sit-up program last night with 200 sit-ups in a row. Abs were burning for 15 minutes or so afterwards - but it has all paid off. My core is much stronger which in turn has made me a better runner. Now - Im on the last week of the one hundred push-up program. This one has been much harder and I actually look forward to finishing it.

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