Saturday, February 13, 2010

Long run Saturday

Today was supposed to be a long slowish day at a comfy pace (especially since track work on Thursday and race last weekend). However, as usual my Saturday runs turn into a quasi-tempo run. Which is fine by me - I hate doing tempo runs (even quasi-ones) alone. I was hoping to finish today around 64 minutes. Met the "normal" Saturday crew at the Milford Library - and we were off. Most off the roads were still pretty icy and some parts were still covered in a few inches of snow (on top off the ice) which affected some of my time (3rd and 4th miles). Overall a good tough run and I was mostly able to keep up with everyone. With a "short cut" Dan came up with (which added mileage somehow) as soon as my watch beeped 8 miles I stopped. Then jogged a nice cooldown the last tenth of a mile back to the library which was a nice cooldown.

Total Mileage: 8 miles
Total Time: 1:04:08
Average Pace: 8:01


Remember the National Marathon needs volunteers - please check out the The Running Laminator's blog entry for information here.....

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