Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Six miler with long hill....

I toyed with the idea today to go all the way up to the summit at East Rock park...however I'm in "taper" mode and don't want to do anything too stupid before my upcoming race. Also Zak (aka Spandex Kitty) might be down from RI and we may head up to the summit early next week. Given all that - I figured half the hill or so would be good. I tried to maintain as steady as a pace as I could heading up the hill which was extremely tiring. Since my next race is 6.55 miles and I'm hoping to kick it up a notch for the last .55 of it, I practiced a picked up pace for the last 1/2 mile of today's run. And as usual in the early spring - I overdressed for today's run. Must remember 40 is warm!

Total distance: 6 miles
Total time: 48:34
Average pace: 8:05


And tonight when cleaning up after dinner, I got the email I've been waiting for...MY NEW SHOES HAVE SHIPPED! Once they get here I'll share some pics...

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