Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Interval Day at URI - i have no idea why

Today we decided to do some interval work at the track at URI. I had this idea of interval work and how it would be great and all....but after the warm up (the run to the track) - I had to change plans. So I decided to do 400s just to get out some aggression, get some hard running in before I taper....(insert your own excuse here).

Warmup 1.65 miles - 15:22.74
1st 400 interval/400 cooldown - 1:42.35/2:42.68
2nd 400 interval/400 cooldown - 1:47.68/2:48.01
3rd 400 interval/400 cooldown - 1:42.76/3:01.64
4th 400 interval/400 cooldown - 1:42.15/2:38.24
Cooldown 1.65 miles - 16:33.10

I know 400s won't directly help me with a half marathon - but it did feel good to get out and just run. Also it helped break up the monotony of the 4,5 and 6 milers we'd been doing lately. There was a pretty good headwind on the 2nd halfs of the interval and I definitely could feel it slowing me down. We also figured that after my half marathon to head back to the track and redo our all out mile and see how we do.

Manchester, NH Hi\Lo - 59\39

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