Saturday, March 20, 2010

Long run Saturday (Charles Island)

what a difference a week makes with weather in March. Last week it was in the low 40s, 30mph winds and rain - today around 60+ by the end of the run and sunny. A group of us headed out from the normal place at the normal time.

Dan and I got out in front of the pack and were motorinig along right from the start. Right around mile 3.5 or so, Dan asked if I have ever run out to Charles Island (which I hadnt). So we took a little detour from our normal route and headed out to the island. This is where (if you look at the splits) our pace took dive. The footing was either ankle twisting rocks, or very soft shells that moved under your feet. There was a spot in the middle that I had to walk as there seemed to be more water than rocks to step on. Once to the other side I touched the sign on the island and was now "part of the club". On the way back it was slow going again - and in the middle part it seemed the tide was starting to come in as there was alot fewer rocks to step on to get back. I had to put my food into Long Island sound at one point as there was a void of rocks. Once back to the other side, I was so happy to be back on pavement (and also happy to not have twisted an ankle). I've never worked so hard to run a 11:39 mile before...

Since we took that detour, we decided to do the "8 mile route". We got our pace back on track fairly quickly. During mile 9 we kicked the pace to a 5k pace for the full mile. I was able to do a 6:47 9th mile which I was extremely happy about. Once back at the library I added a little more distance to make the days run an even 10 miles - which gives me an even 40 miles for the week. A great run in great spring time weather. Soon I will need to start thinking about bringing water/gatorade with me on runs - but for now I will just enjoy these awesome spring days.

Oh and the Injinji socks held up great today on a long run, and even dried out pretty quick after I put my foot in Long Island Sound.

Total mileage: 10 miles
Total time: 1:24:39
Average pace: 8:27


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