Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hill Repeats on Ogden St.....ugh....

So on the way back after dropping Alec off at school, I scoped out some hills in the area to run at lunch time. I found Ogden St (off of Whitney) and it seemed good. It went up for a bit at a decent grade - then it went up steep. Silly me thought this would be a good hill to do repeats on. I did a nice mile warm up at 9:05 and then I started my repeats.

First and second repeats were alright - second part of the hill definitely was hard but doable. Third repeat was hard - but not too bad. The fourth is when the colorful language came out. Numbers five and six were just plain hard. The second part of the hill (where the grade increased big time) was so just so steep that it really was hard to keep things at a 5k effort.

Overall - good and tiring run. Six - 160 meter repeats at 5k effort. No point in putting down the splits for the overall run....

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