Saturday, January 16, 2010

New McMillan Calculations

When I first started running, someone mentioned the McMillan Calculator to me and how you put in your current pace for a distance and it spits out what you should do for pace for different training runs and race distances. I thought it was impossible. However after using it and it calculating my race finishes almost to the second I got hooked. So today, I have done a new calculation based on where I want to try to be for one of my upcoming 5ks (and for the Niantic half marathon). I put the results below mostly to keep track of them for myself - but feel free to look. By no means am I in this kind of shape now...but I hope to be soon. (Im only going to list the distances/training runs that I concern myself with).

Mile - 6:12
3 mile - 20:43 / 6:54
5k - 21:30 / 6:55
5 miles - 35:38 / 7:07
10k - 44:40 / 7:11
10 miles - 1:14:50 / 7:29
20 k - 1:34:10 / 7:35
13.1 miles - 1:39:23 / 7:35

Long runs - 8:30 to 9:30
Easy run - 8:30 to 9:00
Tempo run - 7:17 to 7:35
Tempo intervals - 7:11 to 7:26

400m interval - 1:32.6 to 1:36.5
800m interval - 3:08.8 to 3:17.5

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